Where: Walla Walla, WA - Walla Walla High SchoolWhen: July 15th - July 21st, 2019
Check in times: Check in is at 10:00A.M. on the 1st day
Registration Deadline: Two days prior to camp start RegistrationOnce you click the registration button you will be asked a series of questions and then you will be able to pay online. After you are registered you will automatically be sent a packing list along with a work out plan in preperation for a great week.
As you go through the registration process you will have two options. All campers can either pay in full knowing that you will be refunded all money except a $150 deposit that is non refundable if for some reason you decide to not come to camp, or only pay the $150 deposit and then pay the rest of the amount at the door.
PricingCamp cost $450 (7 days of camp). A $150 non-refundable deposit is required with each application. Once this application is received, you will be sent a packing list and a training schedule in preparation for your week.
Early Bird Discounts:Under $65 a day covers meals, a place to rest, great competition, and great clinicians. We are confident that this is the best value for your dollar and your wrestling development in the state.
Discounts and CoachesA coach attends camp at no cost if he brings 6 wrestlers. Another coach attends at no charge with 12 wrestlers. If less than 6 athletes, each coach pays $200.
Coaches Cost Wrestlers
$200 1-5
1 free 6-11
2 free 12-17
3 free 18+
Lodging and Meals
We are housed on the campus of our host high school facility. Our Indoor barracks add to the toughness of the training environment and aids to team bonding. All campers will be sent a packing list after they register for camp. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served by a catering company in the schools cafeteria.
Attention Parents / CoachesOne of the highlights of this camp is the ceremony at the conclusion of the FINAL day. Family and friends are invited to attend this inspiring event. (est. 9:30AM)
SafetyHydrationCampers will be issued a water bottle at check-in and are required to have their water bottle with them at all times of the day.
TrainersWe have two certified paramedics on site at intensive sessions, as well as certified athletic trainers with Bachelor degrees in their respective fields.
Skin ChecksSkin Checks are done throughout the week. If infection is suspected, athletes will be transported to see a doctor. Keeping skin clean of any potential infection.
LaundryA laundry company will handle all laundry two separate times throughout the week. Please bring extra cash if you did not all ready pay online.
VehiclesCampers are not allowed to be in any vehicle for the duration of the camp. No vehicle is allowed to leave the facility unless authorized by Camp Directors.
Campers / WhereaboutsBefore each session every day our Staff & Counselors are required to check names on a list from the athletes attendance lines. Coaches and counselors will be responsible to go and find any wrestler who has not checked in.