WHEN WE PRAY . . . a Prayer Retreat for Women

Dear Friend,

I personally invite you to attend WHEN WE PRAY . . . a Prayer Retreat for Women, on September 11-12, 2020. The focus of this retreat will not only be a time of fellowship and spiritual refreshment, but also an opportunity to further develop your role as a woman of prayer.  

Friday evening we will begin our time together enjoying dinner and fellowship as we get acquainted with the other women who have been a part of the daily morning prayer over the last several months. Saturday will include a variety of sharing and learning opportunities. These activities are intentionally designed to help you grow in confidence and purpose, as together, we will seek to better understand what God desires for us when we pray. 

My hope is that this retreat will encourage you in all that God has planned for you in this season of your life. I am waiting in great expectation for what God has in store for us during this prayer retreat weekend. 

Will you join us? I look forward to seeing you there.


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Price from: $0.00

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