***Checking the "I agree" box below is a legally binding signature from the parent/legal guardian.***
PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE A THOROUGH SKIN CHECK AND WEIGH-IN AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. If your athlete has any signs of skin infections or lesions he will not be allowed to wrestle, no exceptions.
I agree to allow my child to be treated by a licensed physician, registered nurse, or medical training staff at the camp or licensed facility while attending the Intensive Wrestling Camps.I assume all costs related to such treatment. I understand that there is no refund of the deposit if we (parent or child)should cancel the application. I have read and agree to all the terms associated with the camp flyer and information set forth. I hereby waive my right to anyand all charge backs against the Intensive Wrestling Camps, including, but not limited to: physical injuries, bacterial infections, skin infections etc. Iunderstand that the camper attending the Intensive Wrestling Camp using any camp facilities does so at his/her own risk. The host school district, it’sathletic department, staff, and Intensive Wrestling Camps are not liable for any damages arising from person injury sustained by the camper during thecamp session and so I hereby fully and forever exonerate and discharge the district, staff, Kaizen Intensive Camps LLC, owners, employees and other agentsfrom any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, whether the same be known, anticipated, resulting from orarising out of the campers’ participation in the camp session and in the use of the facilities.I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE RELEASE AND I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL MEDICAL OR OTHERCHARGES IN CONNECTION WITH MY CHILD’S ATTENDANCE AT THE INTENSIVE WRESTLING CAMPS.PARENT OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: **check the box below**(You will not be allowed to participate in camp without a parent or guardian signature)PLEASE SIGN THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT BELOW: *** Check the box below***WITHOUT THIS SIGNED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN CAMP.Release and Waiver of Liability and Indemnity Agreement (Read Carefully Before Signing) In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way in the Intensive Wrestling Camp program indicated and/or being permitted to enter forany purpose any restricted area (here in defined as any area where in admittance to the general public is prohibited), the parent(s) and/or legalguardian(s)of the minor participant named below agree:1. The parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) will instruct the minor participant that prior to participating in the Intensive Wrestling Camp event, he or sheshould inspect the facilities and equipment to be used, and if he or she believes anything is unsafe, the participant should immediately advise theofficials of such condition and refuse to participate. I understand and agree that, if at any time, I feel anything to be UNSAFE; I will immediately take allprecautions to avoid the unsafe area and REFUSE TO PARTICIPATE further.2. I/WE fully understand and acknowledge that:(a) There are risks and dangers associated with participation in Intensive Wrestling Camp events, and activities, which could result in bodily injury, including partial and/or total disability, paralysis, and death. (b) The social and economic losses and/or damages, which could result from these risks and dangers described above, could besevere.(c) These risks and dangers may be caused by the action, inaction or negligence of the participant or the action, inaction or negligence of others.d) There may be other risks not known or are not reasonably foreseeable at his time. .3. I/WE accept and assume such risks and responsibility for the losses and/or damages following such injury, disability, paralysis or death, howevercaused and whether caused in whole or in part by the negligence of Intensive Wrestling Camp.4. I/WE HEREBY RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE Intensive Wrestling Camp host High School District facilities used by the participant, including its owners, managers, promoters, lessees of premises used to conduct Intensive Wrestling Camp events or program, premises and event inspectors, underwriters, consultants and others who give recommendations, directions, or instructions, to engage in risk evaluation or loss control activities regarding the host School District facility or events held at suchfacility and each of them, their directors, officers, agents, employees, all for the purposes herein referred to as “Releasee”...FROM ALL LIABILITY TOTHE UNDERSIGNED, my/our personal representatives, assigns, executors, heirs and next to kin FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, LOSSESOR DAMAGES AND ANY CLAIMS OR DEMANDS THEREFORE ON ACCOUNT OF ANY INJURY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE DEATHOF THE PARTICIPANT OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE EVENT(S) CAUSED OR ALLEGED TO BECAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEE OR OTHERWISE.5. I/WE HEREBY acknowledge that THE ACTIVITIES OF THE EVENT(S) ARE VERY DANGEROUS and involve the risk of serious injury and/or deathand/or property damage. Each of THE UNDERSIGNED also expressly acknowledges that INJURIES RECEIVED MAY BE COMPOUNDED ORINCREASED BY NEGLIGENT RESCUE OPERATIONS OR PROCEDURES OF THE RELEASEES.6. EACH OF THE UNDERSIGNED further expressly agrees that the foregoing release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad andinclusive as is permitted by the law of the Province or State in which the event is conducted and that if any portion is held invalid, it is agreed that thebalance shall, notwithstanding continue in full legal force and effect.7. On behalf of the participant and individually, the undersigned partner(s) and/or legal guardian(s) for the minor participant execute this Waiver andRelease. If, despite this Release, the participant makes a claim against any of the Releases, the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) will reimburse theReleasee for any money, which they have paid to the participant, or on his behalf, and hold them harmless.I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, FULLY UNDERSTAND ITSTERMS, UNDERSTAND THAT I HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, AND HAVE SIGNED IT FREELY AND VOLUNTARILYWITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT, ASSURANCE, OR GUARANTEE BEING MADE TO ME AND INTEND MY SIGNATURE TO BE COMPLETE ANDUNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY TO THE GREATEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW.